
Copy or Move files (not folders) to another library or Site using PowerShell

In today’s post, we’ll have a look at something that could potentially be your mini “re-organisation / migration” project. We’ll see how to copy or move files to another location, either on the same site but different library, or a completely different site. Starting Point Let’s have a look first at our current (dummy) structure. We have SitePnP1 where we’ll use the default Documents document library. Inside this library, we have a folder called Folder1 with files inside (nested files).

Find missing metadata in SharePoint using PowerShell

Did you know that fields in SharePoint Online set as “required” are not so… required anymore? It may be a pain for some, but they are now used as ‘guidance’ with a yellow background color instead and other signs like the red dot in the View. It means that users can upload documents without filling the required values and leave the site! 😕 This is not ideal if you use this metadata for your Search is it?

Working with Views in SharePoint

Having different Views in your SharePoint lists & libraries can be very useful. It allows you to see information in a different way pretty quickly, and remove the noise. In this post, we’ll have a look at the available options so you can choose what’s best for you! Default View Out of the box, SharePoint sets the default view to “All items” for lists, and “All Documents” for libraries. Meaning there’s no specific filtering.

Check if SharePoint site is connected to a Microsoft Teams with PowerShell

First post of 2021, and in this brief post, we’re going to see how we can check if our SharePoint Online sites have a Microsoft Teams team associated to it. Why is it brief? Because PowerShell PnP is making it very easy! 🤩 From now on, we’re also going to focus on the new PnP PowerShell module available for PowerShell Core. This is the module we’re familiar with, but available on Windows, MacOS, or Linux!

Getting started with PnP PowerShell on PowerShell Core

Hello there! I have created a new video on my Youtube channel to help you getting started with PnP PowerShell on PowerShell Core. If you’re used to take advantage of the amazing SharePoint PnP module, this is very important because things are going to change in a couple of months! As PowerShell Core is the future (use PowerShell on Windows, MacOS, and Linux), you need to be prepared. Therefore, in this video, we’ll start from scratch:

Change specific users OneDrive For Business quotas using PowerShell

It may be useful to allocate specific users with specific OneDrive for Business storage quotas. But we may be faced with some challenges trying to achieve that… In this blog post, we’ll use a .csv file containing the users we wish to change the quota for, as well as adding some error handling to our script to manage the outcomes 🧐 And to top it off, we’ll export the “users not found” so you’re not in the dark when closing your PowerShell console!

Create folders with months names in SharePoint using PowerShell

Hello there! Today’s post will help you create a folder structure in SharePoint Online organized by month’s name! You’ll see that with just a few lines of PowerShell, your folders will be created in seconds without hard-coding the names 😏 PowerShell Core The scripts also works with PowerShell Core. Create a script As we have only a few lines of code, we can go down the route of creating a very small PowerShell script.

Microsoft Teams: What happens when...

Here is a post I wrote for the Microsoft ITOps Talk Blog. It’s a bit different than the usual, but I wanted to share a few findings that may help you in case you were wondering too! Top 10 Things to Look Out For When Using Microsoft Teams Use of Microsoft Teams has increased greatly as of late with many of us now working from home. I have recently received a lot of questions in terms of how to complete specific tasks in Microsoft Teams amidst my friends and colleagues and thought it might be of value to share with all of you as well.