
View Private Channels in the SharePoint Admin Center


Finally! We can now see how many Private Channels a Microsoft Teams Team has, directly from the SharePoint Admin Center! As a reminder, when you create a Private Channel, it creates another SharePoint site with different permissions. Meaning a Team could have many other SharePoint sites that we couldn’t see, and therefore, do “things” that would have been regrettable!

In this short and sweet post, we’ll see where to find the information about Private Channels in SharePoint Online.

How do I see Private Channels in SharePoint?

Log into your SharePoint Admin Center, and look at the column named Channel sites. If you don’t see that column, add it to the View by clicking on Customize columns on the right (after all the visible columns).


On the screenshot below, I have a Team called “CLI” with “2 sites”, and another Team called “Marketing” with “1 site”. If you look closely, those are links.

By clicking on them, you’ll be redirected to another page showing your the sites.



Microsoft Teams

Now if we have a look in Microsoft Teams, we should see the same Private Channels!


Thanks for reading 🙂