
Share documents with OneDrive For Business

OneDrive for Business is your personal storage in Office 365 and also available in SharePoint on-premises. When enabled, OneDrive for Business is actually a site collection within SharePoint, and a great way to share documents and collaborate between colleagues without sending large emails! Microsoft offers OneDrive for Business (online), but also (if your company allows it) a Sync Client if you wish to sync your documents locally. In this blog post, we are going to use OneDrive for Business with Office 365, and share documents with the online version.

Get SharePoint site policies using PowerShell

Site Policies in SharePoint can be used to have a better governance as the platform is growing. Storage is expensive, so if you let your (unused) sites just “sitting there“, then it’s not a good use of money is it? If you need more information about Site Policies, start with an Overview of site policies in SharePoint Server. In this blog post, we are going to use PnP PowerShell to retrieve site policies that are applied in SharePoint Online site collections.

Create Site Collections in SharePoint Server using PowerShell and XML file

We have so many different ways to achieve something using PowerShell. In this blog post, we’ll have a look at how we can create Site Collections in SharePoint Server using an XML file and PowerShell (of course!) Create the XML file XML (eXtensible Markup Language) files have their syntax, so it’s important to be familiar with it. If you’re not, have a look at the Introduction to XML provided by w3chools.

Create sites using Fast Site Collection feature in SharePoint Server 2016

Fast Site Collection Creation is a new feature in SharePoint 2016, that enables Site Collections to be created in a much faster way that in previous versions. This feature actually uses a copy of a site template which is stored in the content database, with all the site’s features already enabled. If a SharePoint administrator has a requirement for creating 50 Team Sites, enabling Fast Site Collection creation is a time saver in the long run.

Add shortcut links to SharePoint Server Central Admin

Very quick post today. Or rather a tip that I use every time I have a new SharePoint Farm 🙂 When we need to access the Term Store, we need to click on Manage Service Applications, then click on the Managed Metadata Service Application, and then we have access to the Term Store. If we want to access the User Properties, we need to go to the Service Applications, click on the User Profile Service Application, and then select what we wish.

Create a SharePoint taxonomy using an XML file and PowerShell

Today is all about SharePoint taxonomy with PowerShell PnP! In a nutshell, taxonomy is a hierarchical group of term sets & terms, that is provided by SharePoint when configuring the Managed Metadata Service Application (MMS). Creation of terms is done via the Term Store in SharePoint Server (when MMS is configured), and is also available in SharePoint Online. For more information about SharePoint taxonomy, get started with the following links:

Configure SQL Aliases for SharePoint Server

SQL Aliases are optional (but recommended), and are a great way to configure your SharePoint environment. They allow for flexibility in case the SQL instance is changed, or the server names/IPs change then it’s possible to only “re-point” to the new servers. This way, there’s no need to reinstall SharePoint for the new server/instance. SQL Aliases are configured on each SharePoint Server. This is very important to remember! Let’s dive in and configure our aliases.

Add PowerBI Pro to an Office 365 tenant

PowerBI itself comes into multiple flavors, and also carrying a few types of configuration along with it. Especially with Office 365. In this blog post, we’ll look at adding (linking) PowerBI Pro to an Office 365 tenant, but we should also go through a bit of description. PowerBI flavors As mentioned previously, PowerBI options and features vary depending on the version we choose: PowerBI free, PowerBI Pro, and PowerBI Premium.